Two Moody Doctors
Dr. Amir Zaheri and Dr. Kevin Woosley (doctors of music at the University of Alabama) dive into the world of student wellness, life, and coffee. It might be serious, it might be hilarious. Where do the topics come from? You! Submit your topics at twomoodydoctors@gmail.com or www.kevinwoosley.com/two-moody-doctors (anonymous submission available)!
Two Moody Doctors
Episode 34: Faculty Breaks and Visits from Dear Friends
Kevin Woosley and Amir Zaheri
Season 1
Episode 34
What do faculty do during breaks? Travel? Video games? Or do they not take a break and simply live in the School of Music?
During today's podcast, Dr. Zaheri and Dr. Woosley had a surprise visit from a dear friend: one of their former graduate school professors who helped shape them into the teachers and people they are today.
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